

I’m Kristin.

Thanks for being here.

First and foremost, I am a dedicated student of yoga. I remember doing my first ever yoga VHS when I was about 13 years old and noticing a distinct difference within myself. I couldn’t articulate it at the time, and little did I know that I had stumbled across something that would illuminate my life forever.

I am also a teacher of Yoga, a Vedic Counsellor and musician. I am a partner, a mother to our spirit daughter Magnolia, and an artist.
I have studied yoga for over 10 years and have lived its teachings as best as I can. It is a massive, (and almost) infinite body of knowledge. One that can seem a little daunting or even difficult to grasp. But it is an ever-flowing river of wisdom that can help us live a life of dharma, fulfillment, inner peace and joy.

My hope is for you to begin doing just that.


{part of} My Story.

There isn’t a time in my childhood where I don’t remember feeling anxious or fearful. As I grew older, this genetic and learned behaviour ripened in my teens and by 21 years old, I started experiencing panic attacks and depression. I’ve always been interested in the philosophy of life; what is our purpose? Why am I here? What is this suffering? And I have always felt an unmistakable connection to the Divine. So in the thick of despair (which is how it usually happens), I decided to dig deeper into the mechanics of my mind and my body and how it all works as one glorious living being.

The suffering turned me to practice, practice sparked my curiosity, curiosity turned into knowledge, knowledge turned into wisdom, and wisdom turned into devotion, reverence and humility.

Today, I am deeply passionate about sharing the teachings of the Vedas. It is such a vast and luminous body of knowledge. In fact, no words that I can type here can even rightfully express its depth and potential. Living a Vedic life to me means seeing myself as a micro version of the universal intelligence, and all of that intelligence is within me (even if I can’t comprehend it). It means living in harmony with Nature, taking care of my body through Āyurveda, self-study and study of sacred texts, devotion to the Divine and taking right action. It means learning through my karma and being responsible for my actions and that these actions align with my part it in all; Dharma.

It is my dharma to share the transformational potential of this tradition with warmth and accessibility.



{Quick} Facts

I love ghee

I LOVE COOKINg for people

I’m a musician







Deepest gratitude to my teachers

  • 2012: 200hrs TT HYA, Janine Leagh

  • 2017: 200hrs TT Power Living Australia, Duncan Peak & Keenan Crisp

  • 2018: 50hrs Advanced Vinyasa; Sequencing and Theming, Duncan Peak

  • 2018: 30hrs Journey Into Self; Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics, Duncan Peak

  • 2019: 500hr TT Pathway with Power Living Australia

  • 2019: 20hr Shoulder Girdle; Annie Carpenter

  • 2020: 50hr Traditional Tantric Hatha; Octavio Salvado

  • 2020: 50hr Tantra Shakti; Brad Hay

  • 2020: 50hr Vinyasa Krama; Brad Hay

  • 2021: 50hr Prana Shakti; Brad Hay

  • 2021: 50hr Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist 1; Brad Hay

  • 2021: 50hr Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist 2; Brad Hay

  • 2021: 300hr Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga; Octavio Salvado

  • 2021: 50hr Pathways of Awakening; Tessa Leon

  • 2022: Nectar of the Gita; Kaya Mindin

  • 2022: Navarātri Yā Devī Lakshmi Initiation; Kaya Mindlin

  • 2022-23: Integral Vedic Counselling; David Frawley

  • 2023 Jyotish Mentoring: Casey Scott, Goldstar Astrology

  • 2023 Bhagavad Gita DIscourse: Vanamali Mataji

Nothing is ever lost, and you are never late
— Swami Tattwamayananda


Professional Experience

  • 2017: Yoga Facilitator; Power Living Australia

  • 2018: 200hr TT Facilitator; Power Living Australia

  • 2018 - 2020: 200hr TT Bali Retreat Facilitator

  • 2019: Studio Manager; Power Living Miranda

  • 2019: Studio Manager & Senior Facilitator, Power Living Manly

  • 2020 Creator and Facilitator of Ananda Shakti; Tantra & Ayurveda Retreats, NSW

  • 2021 Creator and Facilitator of Living Ananda Shakti; an 8 week online course

  • 2021 Creator and Facilitator of Mahadevi - Day Retreats for Women, S.A

  • 2021 Creator & Lead Facilitator of 30hr TT ‘Weaving Wisdom’ for Human.Kind Studios

  • 2021 Lead Facilitator 200hr TT; Human.Kind Studios

  • 2020 - 2022: Lead Facilitator & Events Coordinator; Human.Kind Studios

  • 2018 til present: Vedic Counseling and private coaching/mentoring

  • 2021 Creator & Facilitator of ‘Alchemy of Ayurveda’ 4 week course

  • 2021: Creator of PRANA Masterclass & Foundations of Ayurveda



How we can work together